Toxic habits that are killing your success
1. Whining. — The more negativity you spread, the worse you feel — and the worse you make everyone around you feel. Nothing good comes from constant complaining.
Solution:- Focus on the positive things around you, you will feel more positive and so will everyone else. Stop whining and remember that everyone has problems — some have huge problems and some have small problems.
2. Saying YES To Everything. — Saying YES to things that are important to others put a NO for things that are important to you.
Solution:- Remember, NO is a perfectly valid word. — When you feel something is a ‘NO’. Have the guts to express it.
3. Comparison. — Comparison makes you miserable. — You feel insecure by comparing your behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reels.
Solution:- Focus on what you have and where you want to get to. — Compare only with who you are yesterday, a year ago.
4. Accepting Negativity. — You will never improve once you accept the harsh things told by people. — Most people point out your weaknesses to keep you where you are.
Solution:- Believe in yourself. You are the only one who knows what you are capable of. — Distance yourself.
5. Only Talking Not Doing. — As per psychology, once your share your plan, there are less chances that you will achieve it. It seems true. — People love to kill your ideas.
Solution:- Stop talking until you finish something. Execution is everything and usually the hard part.
6. Making Excuses. — Don’t fool yourself by making excuses. — Excuses are the reasons for 99% of failures.
Solution:- Remember, taking a chance to do things is a lot better than the feeling of regret.
7. Thinking The Worst. — Constant worrying is just as bad as complaining and spreading negativity. It drags you down.
Solution:- Be an optimist. Allow yourself to see the good times. — Think about ‘what if I fly instead of what if I fall’.
8. Wasting Time On Things Out Of Your Control. — Things you can control: what you wear, what you eat, what you think, what you do. — Things you can’t control Everything else.
Solution:- Focus on making yourself the best. Remember either the day controls you or you can control how your day will go.
9. Searching For Perfection. — Perfection is an illusion. It is procrastination in disguise. — Endlessly searching for the unreachable is just a way of being scared of progress.
Solution:- Focus on continuous improvement. — Become the best version of yourself.
10. Consuming Mental Junk Food. — You don’t need Reality TV, gossip columns, sitcoms in your life. — You become what you consume.
Solution:- Consume with intention. — Choose better activities you could spend your valuable time on.
11. Taking Health For Granted. — Don’t be a couch potato.
Solution:- Get up. Move, walk around and stretch. — Take care of your body to care of your brain. Happy body, Happier mind, Happiest YOU.
12. Waiting — Never a perfect time to do start something new/challenge yourself. You are not going to get things handed to you
Solution:- The best time to take a step is right now for what you want out of your life.